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Everything in the universe is energy; it is within us and all around us.


The type of energy that animates all living things is known as life force energy.  Life force energy is a non-physical energy that has been given many names by various cultures and life sciences throughout history.  Some of these names include Ki, Qi, Chi, Prana, and innate intelligence.

Life Force Energy
Divine Feminine Energy & Divine Masculine Energy

Divine Feminine Energy & Divine Masculine Energy

Life force energy consists of both divine feminine energy (yin) and divine masculine energy (yang). Life force energy expresses at its highest and purest when it consists of a harmonious balance of both divine feminine energy and divine masculine energy.  Every person consists of both feminine energy and masculine energy, regardless of one's gender.


The yin-yang symbol represents the harmony of feminine and masculine energy.  Notice that neither feminine nor masculine energy is absolute.  There is feminine within the masculine and masculine within the feminine. 


Feminine and masculine energy each have their own essence, density, vibration, and purpose.  Together they create balance and a sense of wholeness.


A well balanced flow of life force energy (feminine and masculine energy) is essential to maintaining good health and well-being.


Energy Bodies

Energetic Bodies

We human beings consist of multiple layers of energy that vary in density and vibrational frequency.

These layers are known as our energy bodies.  Our energy bodies include our physical body along with our human energy field; also referred to as our aura or biofield.


Our energy bodies can be simplified as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


The physical body consists of the most dense components of our being such as bones, muscles, organs, etc... while the outer layers, or aura, consist of more subtle aspects of our being such as vibrational frequency of light.


Each energy body has a predominantly feminine or masculine essence. The emotional and spiritual bodies are predominantly feminine.  The physical and mental bodies are predominantly masculine. The energetic bodies together are 50% feminine energy and 50% masculine energy.

Feminine Energy Bodies


Essence of Feminine Energy Bodies:

  • Being

  • Feeling

  • Connecting

  • Uncertainty and the abstract aspects of life

Masculine Energy Bodies


Essence of Masculine Energy Bodies:

  • Doing

  • Thinking

  • Accomplishing

  • Certainty and the concrete aspects of life

We consciously and unconsciously receive and release energy through our energy bodies.  Each energy body is designed to regulate a specific range of energy, sensations, and perceptions.  This ability connects us to our senses, feelings, thoughts, and extrasensory perceptions that create our unique human experience.


When we acknowledge the existence of each energy body, we become better equipped to understand our personal needs and to provide nourishing environments for ourselves to thrive and express life.

Energy Chakras


Energy that enters in through the energy bodies is then processed through the chakras.  The chakras themselves are invisible to the physical eye.  They operate at subtle levels within the body.


The term chakra means "wheel", acting like an energy center or hub for all the energy that flows to you, through you, and from you moment by moment.


There are 7 main chakras. The upper chakras process the lighter energies and vibrations while the lower chakras process the denser energies and vibrations.

The 7 Main Energy Chakras


Each chakra in essence is predominantly feminine energy or masculine energy.  The one exception is the crown chakra that is located above the head. The crown chakra is an equal balance of both feminine and masculine energies.  All the chakras below the crown alternate from feminine to masculine energy. The third eye is feminine, the throat is masculine, the heart is feminine, the solar plexus is masculine, the sacral is feminine, and the root is masculine.


In other words, the third eye, heart, and sacral chakras are predominantly feminine energy.  The throat, solar plexus, and root chakras are predominantly masculine energy.

Feminine Chakras


Masculine Chakras


Each chakra tends to specific energies and vibrations.  View the images below to explore which energies are associated with each chakra.


Energy Meridians


Energy processed by the chakras flow into a network of pathways called meridians.  The function of the meridians is to distribute life force energy to every cell, tissue, muscle, and organ in the body.


In essence each meridian distributes predominantly feminine energy or masculine energy.  Feminine energy flows upwards, rising to the sky.  Masculine energy flows downwards, grounding to the earth.


There are 2 midline meridians at the center of the torso and there are 12 main meridians that run throughout the body.


The conception vessel meridian runs along the front of the torso. It is feminine in essence and directs all of the other feminine meridians.  The governing vessel meridian runs along the back of the torso. It is masculine in essence and directs all of the other masculine meridians.


Each of the 12 main meridians are associated with an organ in the body.  There are 6 feminine meridians which include the lung, spleen, heart, kidney, pericardium, and liver.  There are 6 masculine meridians which include the large intestine, stomach, small intestine, bladder, triple warmer, and gallbladder.

Feminine Meridians:

  • Conception Vessel

  • Lung

  • Spleen

  • Heart

  • Kidney

  • Pericardium

  • Liver

Masculine Meridians:

  • Governing Vessel

  • Large Intestine

  • Stomach

  • Small Intestine

  • Bladder

  • Triple Warmer

  • Gallbladder

Meridian pathways must remain healthy for life force energy to flow freely and vitality of life to be expressed.



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