Hello and welcome! I’m Kim Zeigler, a citizen of Earth and the creator of this Refine Blog.
Through this blog, I hope to create valuable content, connect with people who I otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity; and to contribute to the betterment of humanity by initiating conversations about what it means to cultivate a refreshing lifestyle.
What does that even mean?...to cultivate a refreshing lifestyle? To me it means a few things:
It means striving to become a better human while never making myself feel like less.
It means giving myself permission (and grace) to experiment and explore the things I'm curious about without letting fear, shame, lack, or guilt hold me back.
It means checking-in with myself daily and tending to my energetic needs.
It means being aware of the labels, judgments, and expectations that I put on myself and others.
It means stopping the glorification of being busy, tired, and overworked.
It means allowing myself to feel ALL emotions.
It means prioritizing my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
It means strengthening and refining my skills and talents.
It means connecting with others and learning from their stories.
It means discovering who I am at the core and taking responsibility to own my life story.
Okay, so it means a lot of things!
This is great because I foresee the opportunity for us to have deep and meaningful conversations on this blog. I think everyone’s past is made up of various life lessons and challenges, (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), and it’s through these life experiences that shape our perspective and personality.
It’s the year 2020, I’m 35, and I’ve experienced a fair share of life experiences. So I feel it’s time I start believing that my story and my perspective might positively impact someone else’s story. Therefore this blog is simply the platform that I have chosen to share my story and connect with others. It’s a platform that will help me practice courage. The courage to step out from behind the scenes. The courage to show up as my authentic self, owning my life story, and doing it in the light! I invite you to do the same however that naturally manifests for you.
Through this blog I intend to share personal stories, how-to's, lifestyle practices, metaphors for life, helpful resources, guest interviews, my favorite products and services, gratitude, and maybe a recipe or creative project here and there.
So when can you expect me to post again? I will publish new blog posts whenever it feels energetically aligned to create, connect, and contribute new conversations.
Stay tuned and always stay refreshed!