Hello friends! I'm delighted for you to get to know Jamie Kimball. Jamie and I met on Instagram through our shared admiration for honeybees. National Honeybee Day is this Saturday August 21st and to celebrate we will be hosting a FREE online event via Zoom from11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT. In preparation for the event I invite you to get to know Jamie through this blog interview. His personal journey to becoming a bee steward (beekeeper) is sure to inspire!
Tell Us A Few Things About Yourself
1. What natural talents/gifts/abilities do you feel you were born with?
Animal husbandry
Compassion for all life
Connection to and love for nature.
2. How did your personal relationship with honeybees begin?
My relationship with honeybees began when I was at "rock bottom". I didn’t know what to do with myself or my life at the time. I was in a very negative traumatic period of my life. It was a type of last resort exploration. I knew I loved the aspects of farming and animal rescue. Had previous rescue experience and also had hives on family property for five years prior. It was a Divine sense of guidance into the unknown.
3. How did your role as a Bee Steward and your business Sacred Bee Apiaries come to be?
I fell in love right away. When the feeling struck my being like a bolt of lightning I said to myself, “I could do this every day” and then I thought okay, I will simply roll with that. I started two apprenticeships my first season. Then started looking further to ensure this could be a beneficial purpose/vocation; not only for myself and the bees (all species) but for the local and global communities as well.
Tell Us About Your Past
4. What life experiences and discoveries have influenced you the most in becoming who you are today?
2x cancer survivor.
Outdoor adventures & long distance endurance expeditions. (250 mile Baja sea kayaking & 350 mile bike tour from Pittsburg to DC.)
Wildlife rescue.
Meditation, present moment awareness. The evolution & ascension of aligning with the Greatest, Truest version of my Self.
Faith in myself through sources of Divine guidance (gods grace) leads me to fulfilling my “Divine Duty”. Every experience both good and bad guides me more toward my work with nature and humanity. This connection also helps me navigate the Divine energy to, through, and with God in order for me to always strive to be, do, and have more.
Tell Us About Your Current Lifestyle
6 . How do you describe the spark of light within you, the inspiration that gets you excited to live and express life?
My faith in God + the universal source energy that flows to, through, and with all things.
Knowing that I am helping mold a very important foundation for future generations, both local and global, to build a greater and more prosperous future here on planet earth.
LOVE always wins.
Tell Us About Your Future Aspirations
7. What is one thing that you would like to try or experience during your lifetime that you haven’t experienced yet?
Connecting the “lost/forgotten” dots between our ancient ancestors development of civilizations and our present civilizations. Especially in relation to the manipulation of natural resources, agriculture, technology, religion and faith in a higher intelligence. How it is all connected.
8. What kind of influence do you hope that living your life will have on others?
To allow others to see that doing what feels good/right is most important in everyday life and is usually always the right thing to do. To encourage others to not concern themselves with what others think or even may be thinking. To simply follow their gut intuition and choose what their heart and true greatest selves “God” desires for them individually. To follow what speaks, hollers or yells the most truth to them individually.
Tell Us About Your Favorite Things
9. What are some of your top resources and recommendations that have influenced your life?
Books: “The Sacred Bee” & “The Shamanic Way Of The Bee”
My two in-person mentors + my two social media influencer mentors Byron "The Bee Man" @byronthebeeman on IG and Barnyard Bees on YouTube.
Soma (non alcoholic elixir drink), Mead (honey wine, the first alcoholic drink ever recorded in written religious history), and the influence of bees and honey in religion, society, agriculture and the evolution of human cultures/civilizations.
Going back to all natural “roots” beekeeping practices comparable to navigating away from excess “fast food farming.”
Tell Us 5 Daring Sentences That Express Your Authentic Self
Dare to speak the Truth.
Dare to find, explore & become your greatest True Self daily.
Courage is daring to trust in your faith and personal ability to persevere regardless of current circumstances.
Some of the most meaningful insights in life are discovered through willingly taking the daring risk to embrace, accept & triumph our turbulent circumstances.
We are bound to meet adversity and turbulence while navigating paths that lead us against the grains of convention. Dare to traverse the unknown so that it may one day bee revealed to you & those who wish to know their True Selves.
Tell Us About Your Experience With Reiki
Reiki was first introduced to me when I was 15 years old. This was offered to me during one of my many chemo treatments at Columbia University as an alternative stress relieving therapy. I was also fortunate enough to be offered other alternative/holistic therapies such as: acupuncture, meditation, aroma therapy, art therapy among many other outlets for beneficial healing techniques in place of pharmaceutical dependancy. It was later on in my life journey that I willingly explored the vastness of alternative therapies and healing techniques. Reiki, without a doubt, was the unconscious catalyst guiding me in my personal exploration into the many wonders of alternative, natural & energetic healing technologies. This is ancient and Sacred knowledge every human being should and eventually will have access to.
FREE Online Event
Honeybees - Meditation - Reiki
Hosted by Kim Zeigler & Featuring Jamie Kimball